Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How 'bout a slice of partridgeberry cheesecake?

Wise words from a documentary about Wayne White, artist, set designer, puppeteer. I didn't realize until watching it that he was responsible for so much of the visual side of many a '90s TV childhood: Pee-Wee's Playhouse, Beakman's World, Shining Time Station and this video.

Last Thursday some friends held a zine exchange party - this was my contribution (you can click on them to make them bigger).

Since we're going to get rain all day today I might just stay in and listen to this great story-map from Battery Radio - stories about Water Street and its environs. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Little Archie's Cove

There are no straight roads here in St. John's:  they all curve around, go up crazy steep hills, switch names a few times over and then take you back to where you started somehow. It makes for a different biking experience, especially being one of the few bikes on the road. It's a good thing that most people are so courteous.

Some doodles made at a Starbucks and an airport, respectively.

I had a lovely conversation with Professor Hiscock last week about a great many things. He also took some candid pictures of me and the Encyclopedia of Newfoundland using his half-frame camera:

Here I am in the same chair back in October of 2011.

I've been experimenting a bit with my newly acquired knitting machine - here are some amazing covers of the stack of machine-knitting magazines that came with it:

          (I find this wig on a chair somewhat baffling but I love the stripes.)

Soon to come: I just finished drawing a new 'Bored Waitress' zine for an event this Thursday.

Thanks to Eastern Edge for letting me use their scanner, their office and staff. I'll be taking part in their Art Marathon this August.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Travel-Lodger and The Other Old Codger

Wonderful work from artist Judith G. Klausner.
(from top to bottom: cross-stitched cereal, embroidered toast and oreo cookie Victorian cameo.)

More Newfoundland posts to come later... I've got lots of stuff to post and not a lot of equipment to do it with (but I'm working on it).

In very recent news: I just acquired a very beautiful, mint-condition 1970s turquoise Brother knitting machine.... be still my heart.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Wild and Windy Side of Newtown Road

Here are the tracks I recorded a couple of weeks ago, engineered, mixed and mastered by the fabulously lovely Ivan Klipstein. He also played drums and features on one of the tunes. Lately I've been playing around with some jazz ukulele covers taken from various sources like The Boswell Sisters and other jazz swells, and I wanted to see what they sounded like. Now you can too.

On the newsy side of things, I am comfortably settled in my summer home here in St. John's, Newfoundland, where I plan to be active in all things artsy and fartsy (more of the first one, though). I'll be posting adventuring pictures and artwork throughout the summer. I've already got one project on the go: an itty-bitty canvas contest put on by this wonderful place.

Mr. Big Stick is surely the most popular guy in St. John's

More to come soon!